Just for Fun

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Man oh Man! Am I ever a slacker! This poor neglected blog has been gathering dust for quite sometime now.

I fear we are entering dark times for Christians. The current political climate seems to be quite anti christian. Ironically a lot of the law makers claim to be Christians. A popular logic in Washington seems to be "I can't impose my moral/religious values". This is ridiculous seeing as though they have no problems murder is a crime. Or lying in a court is perjury. Maybe it's just me but aren't these Biblical concepts?

I think our nation as a whole may have lost any fear of The Lord. It is painfully obvious to me in so many areas of our culture. A lot of people are saying this climate may bring judgement on our country. I heard one pastor take a different position though. He made the point that perhaps this is a judgement. If you look in the Old Testament Israel was judged many times. Thus the book of Judges. One of the frequent punishments was loss of children. Abortion fits this judgement. Just makes you stop and think.

Well I am rambling now, so I will stop and come back with a more coherent topic. And I promise not to wait as long as the time lapse since my last post! I was almost tempted to start an entirely new blog and act like I didn't know who this slacker that didn't post since October was!

Psalm 119:158 I see the treacherous, and am disgusted, Because they do not keep Your word.

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